Florists Choice Bouquet


Experience the beauty and surprise of a Garden of Eden Florist’s Choice Bouquet

The image displayed is a medium bouquet

Disclaimer: The flowers and colours selected in the displayed image may be different in your arrangement due to the availability of the flowers and the season. Please add a note at checkout for specific flower types and colours and contact the florist to make any confirmations.

  • Hand Arranged
  • Compassionate Service
  • Quality Guaranteed
  • Same Day Delivery
Accepted payments at Garden of Eden Flower Shop Visa, Master Card, Apple Pay and Google Pay

What to Expect from Our Florist’s Choice Bouquet

These flowers are expertly hand-arranged with a selection of the freshest, most vibrant, hand picked flowers of the season. Each bouquet is a unique creation, thoughtfully crafted by our skilled florist to reflect the natural beauty and vibrant colours of the moment.

Each bouquet is thoughtfully curated to reflect the season’s best blooms, ensuring an exquisite display of colour, fragrance and elegance.

If you would like any specific customisations, flower types and/or colours, please contact the florist.  You’ll have the chance to add a card message at checkout.

Hand-Arranged Seasonal Blooms for Any Occasion

Perfect as a gift for Birthdays, Anniversaries, and more, our Florist’s Choice Bouquet takes the guesswork out of gifting. Trust the Garden of Eden florist in Stocksbridge to craft a bouquet that conveys your sentiments beautifully, bringing joy and delight to your loved ones. Each arrangement is a testament to our commitment to quality, creativity and customer satisfaction.

Order the Florist’s Choice Bouquet today and let us create a breath-taking floral experience that will leave a lasting impression

Elegant Floral Presentation in a Beautiful Box

Handcrafted with love and care and presented in an elegant box, this bouquet makes the perfect gift for any occasion, from birthdays and anniversaries to expressions of sympathy or just because.

Fresh Flowers Hand Delivered Around Stocksbridge, Sheffield

Perfect for Fresh Flower bouquet delivery in the Stocksbridge and Penistone area of Sheffield.  See our Hand Delivered Flowers page for delivery prices and areas.  Order your Florist’s Choice Bouquet for Same-Day delivery. Just get your order in before we close.

Shipping is calculated at checkout.


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£30.00£60.00Select options